Online Membership and
Volunteer Management Systems

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Designed for Membership Organizations is designed to serve small to medium size membership organizations such as chapters of national organizations

If you are a member or leader of a small organization you can use an system to simplify communications with your membership. eChapters makes it simple to send email, create distribution lists, schedule meetings, survey your members, create calendars, and share data and duties with your associates.

eChapters: Better than a static web site

An eChapters system does much more than the typical static web site, plus there is no software to buy, install, or maintain. It's so simple, you can manage your organization's calendar, newsletters, documents, and membership list just by filling out some forms. Then, your online membership management system will instantly be updated with the latest information for your members.

Click here for your FREE ONE-MONTH TRIAL

Instant system creation allows you to get started immediately. Your group will quickly have a place on the web to communicate and get involved, post information, view documents, vote on issues, find member contact information, and more. See how much simpler it is to communicate and update information with eChapters - sign up now.
Celebrating 22 years
of reliable service
Hosted In The Cloud
Powered by renewable wind energy
Powered By The Wind
eChapters Helps You:
  • Share leadership tasks
  • Eliminate bottlenecks
  • Improve communications
  • Encourage participation
  • Reduce costs
  • Get your message out
  • Increase your membership
  • Make your group visible to your local community and the world
eChapters Is Appropriate For:
  • Clubs
  • Charities
  • Non-profits
  • Civic groups
  • Associations
  • School groups
  • Political groups
  • Homeowner and neighborhood groups
  • Cub Scout Packs
  • Boy Scout Troops
  • Chapters of state or national organizations
  • and similar groups

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